Quality Game Birds
only 25 minutes from Calgary.
(50 km north on Hwy2)
Year round
While traditional pheasant hunts occur in late October or November, Wessex operates as a licensed game bird shooting ground, so you can choose to work your dog and shoot pheasants prior to the “real season” opening up, or any time after. Many hunters choose to shoot pheasants here in December through until the spring – taking care of cabin fever and bridging the gap between hunting seasons and fishing season.
Our pheasants will be fast flying and perfect to hunt until around the middle of April.
Wessex realizes that everyone doesn’t have a bird dog, but they would still love to go pheasant hunting if they have the chance. While it is possible to hunt pheasants without the help of a good bird dog, it is definitely a challenging event. Pheasants are known to run until they run out of options, but with the excellent cover offered at Wessex – and without the help of a dog – it takes “needle in a haystack” to another level. Pheasants are challenging to hunt, and while pen raised pheasants have been debated to be “easy to hunt”, this is anything but a guaranteed event! With the number of hunters and dogs that we have seen hunt on our property, it’s incredible to hear how many times hunters say “I just don’t know where that bird went! We saw him, and then he disappeared and we never found him again!” Even experienced pheasant hunters with excellent dogs will be left scratching their heads sometimes as wiley roosters escape the pursuit.
Please Contact Us Today for more information.